2024 Blue Book of Henan’s Energy officially released

On January 13, the "ANNUAL REPORT ON HENAN'S ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (2024)" (2024 BLUE BOOK OF HENAN'S ENERGY), jointly compiled by State Grid Henan Economic Research Institute and Henan Academy of Social Sciences, was officially released. The book is the eighth annual report of the Blue Book series, with a total of 22 special reports on "Accelerating the Construction of New Type Energy System".

On the basis of maintaining the traditional sections of "Industry Development, Investigation and Analysis" in previous years, the 2024 Blue Book focuses on the implementation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Energy Work Conference, and launches two characteristic sections: first, based on the mission of the industry, launches the new type energy system chapter, carrying out in-depth and systematic research and thinking on the construction of new type energy system, rural clean energy, pricing of energy big data products, carbon emission monitoring, and putting forward suggestions on accelerating the construction of new type energy system for long-term development of Henan energy. Second, focused on major deployment, launches the new type power system chapter, carrying out in-depth and systematic research on rural modern smart distribution network, new energy storage, electric vehicle charging facilities and flood control and disaster resistance capacity construction, and providing reasonable suggestions for the construction of the new type power system in Henan province.

The Blue Book, points out that in 2023, the provincial energy industry deeply implements the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and provincial government, Coordinates high-quality development and high-level security, realizes the "double improvement, double stability" of energy supply security and clean transformation, providing a strong energy guarantee for Chinese modernization in Henan practice. On energy security, through steady increase of coal production, full power production, and stable oil and gas production, the energy security capacity is continuously improved. Preliminary statistics show that the total energy production of the province in 2023 is about 110 million tons of standard coal. On transformation, the proportion of coal power installed capacity decreased to less than 50%, and the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation exceeded 67 million kW, surpassing coal power. The power generation of renewable energy reached nearly 100 billion KWH, up 21% year on year, accounting for about a quarter of the proportion of the total social electricity consumption. The year 2024 is a breakthrough year for the "Ten strategies" of Henan Province. Preliminary judgment shows that energy consumption in the province will steadily improve and grow steadily, and the overall energy supply and demand will remain stable and orderly.(Wang Dan, Deng Fangzhao)

Economy ends year on positive note despite complex, challenging environment

China's economy ended 2023 on a positive note, recording a year-on-year GDP growth of 5.2 percent and surpassing the set target. 

In December, with the effective implementation of various macroeconomic policies, the national economy maintained the stable recovery momentum, with most indicators rebounding or stabilizing, excluding the real estate sector.

Looking back to the quarterly performance, the first quarter growth surpassed expectations, marking a strong start. The second quarter witnessed a rebound in year-on-year growth, although there was a slight slowdown on a quarterly basis. In the second half of the year, policies were implemented with a concentrated effort to accelerate economic recovery.

The recovery for the whole year is characterized by varied levels of progress sometimes featuring twists and turns. It is not easy to maintain recovery momentum and achieve annual goals in the face of intensified external pressures and internal difficulties.

From an external perspective, the momentum of global economic recovery gradually slowed down in the fourth quarter. Developed countries such as the US, Europe, and the UK have essentially halted interest rate hikes but maintained relatively high interest rate levels. China still faces a complex and challenging external environment. In terms of US dollars, China's exports in the fourth quarter dropped by 1.3 percent year-on-year, indicating that external demand continues to be a drag on the growth.

From an internal perspective, the foundation of domestic demand in China has been further strengthened. Since the fourth quarter, China has continued to implement a comprehensive package of macroeconomic counter-cyclical policies, with increased fiscal support. 

Overall, household consumption is experiencing a weak recovery, but the foundation still needs to be consolidated. From January to December, fixed asset investment increased by 3.0 percent year-on-year, and retail sales of consumer goods increased by 7.2 percent year-on-year. Investment and consumption are important pillars supporting economic stabilization.

From a production perspective, year-on-year growth of industrial production rebounded in December, while two-year average growth has declined. The structure of industrial production continues to optimize, while the production of the service industry weakened year-on-year due to the high base effect. However, the two-year average growth of the service industry has strengthened.

From a consumption perspective, the year-on-year growth rate of retail sales of consumer goods in December declined due to the high base effect, but the month-on-month and two-year average growth rates have both rebounded. Overall, current household consumption is showing a weak recovery trend, and both household income and consumption willingness need to be boosted.

From an investment perspective, infrastructure investment and manufacturing investment have performed well, continuing to play a role in supporting economic growth. However, the real estate market is still in a phase of fluctuation and bottom-finding, with various indicators showing marginal decline. Private investment, excluding real estate development investment, is higher than the overall investment growth rate.

After the Central Economic Work Conference, government ministries and commissions have successively held their annual work conferences to implement the measures mapped out in the economic work conference and structure their work for the year. 

Local governments have also launched numerous projects at the beginning of the year to promote a good start for the economic work in 2024. The main focus of China's economic work in 2024 is to "consolidate the foundation and foster innovation." It is expected that the official target for economic growth will remain around 5 percent, and policy efforts will be increased accordingly to effectively address deflation expectations and push the actual growth rate closer to the potential growth level.

China mediates formal ceasefire deal between Myanmar military and armed groups

Under China's meditation and facilitation efforts, a formal ceasefire agreement has been reached between the Myanmar military and three ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar, namely the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army, and the Arakan Army, after the two sides held peace talks in the city of Kunming in Southwest China's Yunnan Province from Wednesday to Thursday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Friday.

According to spokesperson Mao Ning, the two sides agreed to an immediate ceasefire to end the war, a military disengagement, and the solving of relevant disputes and demands through peaceful negotiations. They also promised not to harm Chinese border residents and Chinese nationals involved in projects in Myanmar. 

"Maintaining the momentum of the ceasefire and peace talks in northern Myanmar is in the interests of all parties in Myanmar, and also helps to maintain peace and stability in the border areas between China and Myanmar," Mao said, expressing the wish that the relevant parties can truly implement the ceasefire deal and China's willingness to provide support and assistance to the best of its ability for northern Myanmar's peace progress.

China has maintained close communication with Myanmar over the situation in northern Myanmar and has helped mediate several rounds of peace talks.

From January 4 to 6, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong visited Myanmar. Sun met with Myanmar leader Min Aung Hlaing and held consultations with Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Myanmar U Lwin Oo, stressing China's commitment to continuing to play a constructive role in supporting the peace process in northern Myanmar. On December 5, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong had a video call with Myanmar Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae.

Earlier on January 3, an artillery shell crossed the border from Myanmar into a Chinese town in Yunnan Province, causing injuries to five Chinese people.

China then lodged serious démarches to relevant parties and once again asked all parties in the conflict to reach an immediate ceasefire, vowing to take necessary measures to safeguard the lives and property of its nationals.

There are more successes than failures in China-US cooperation: American businessman Menendez

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US. Manuel C. Menendez, founder and CEO of MCM Group Holdings, was one of the earliest American businessmen to come to China. He facilitated the establishment of the first China-America joint venture. 

Over the last 45 years, Menendez has experienced the ups and downs of China-US relations and the expanding economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. Currently, the development of China-US relations is at a critical juncture. Regarding the future direction of China-US relations and how the two countries can strengthen cooperation, Global Times reporters Xie Wenting and Zhao Juecheng (GT) recently interviewed Menendez to gain his perspective on these and more pertinent questions.  

GT: On November 15, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden held a meeting at the Filoli Estate in San Francisco, US. How do you view the significance of the meeting and its impact? 

 Without engagement and contact, misunderstandings can arise, leading to misjudgments and trouble for everyone involved. That is why the only way to avoid this is to continue the momentum we have now, especially with President Biden and President Xi meeting together. I am extremely excited and pleased that the two presidents were able to meet. I believe we are now on a better platform for stability. Stability is important. 

We had a number of very senior officials who came to China in 2023, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and Senator Chuck Schumer who led a delegation of both Republican and Democratic senators. I think the buildup of the number of high-level meetings is critical at this important stage of US-China relations. It sounds simple, but the most important thing is continued talking, continued engagement, and finding common ground. That is because, in reality, on most things, there is a lot of common ground on which we share common views, whether it's climate change, health issues, or coordinating efforts for natural disasters. I believe these actions are very important for the two largest economies in the world.

But the engagement on what are red-line issues or sensitive issues takes time to roll up your sleeves and have a clear understanding. This applies not only to China and the US but to any country that has sensitive issues that need to be discussed. The most important thing about discussing these more sensitive or national security issues is to spend the time to talk about them on a granular level so that there are no misunderstandings. 

In terms of business, the business community always appreciates predictability and stability. I am glad that we are currently on this trajectory.

GT: What are your expectations for China-US relations in 2024?

 We have to keep it stable, so my hope and wish for the New Year is increased contact and stability. 

Will there be significant improvements? I think it will be challenging in 2024. As we enter the presidential season in the US, China will inevitably be part of the discussion. However, it is important to remember that political rhetoric does not always reflect reality.

The reality can be different from what is portrayed in the media and political rhetoric. The reality is that the two countries have done an unbelievably wonderful job over the last 45 years. There have been many companies from the US, in particular, those have entered the Chinese market and have done very well. And Chinese companies that have gone to the US have done a marvelous job there. So, there are a lot of actual benefits that have been witnessed when the number one and the number two economies of the world work together, because it not only helps the US and China, but also helped the world by uplifting the global economy when we work together.

So, I think that there are so many success stories versus the negatives of the not successful stories. There are more successes than failures in these countries, especially because of the US-China trade. 

China still remains the main anchor because there is one very important characteristic about China that should never be misunderstood: China is not only a world factory, but also a world market. This is due to the emergence of the middle class in China during my lifetime, which is driving consumption. Therefore, the growth of consumption in China is also what drives the US. The US is a consumer-driven country with a strong middle class, and the same phenomenon has occurred in China. 

My expectation in the bilateral relations is for better stability and predictability. After 2024, I am very optimistic that the world economy will adjust, as conflicts in certain regions, which I am praying, will be resolved, come to an end. This will allow us a return to a more normalized situation and enhanced relations in 2025.

GT: What efforts can be made to avoid "gray rhino" events in China-US relations in the coming year? 

 I believe that moving forward, it is crucial for us to gain a better understanding of the world we live in today. The world is a little bit different from how it was 40 years ago, with lots of geopolitical dynamics shifting. 

If you look at the global economy, the combined GDP of China and the US alone accounts for approximately 45 percent of the world's GDP, which is amazing for just two countries. Therefore, we must not only focus on the development of our own nations but also recognize our greater role and responsibility in ensuring that we address global issues correctly.

We have to find a way that makes both countries comfortable, ensures their voices and concerns are heard, establish a structured approach moving forward, and allows for shared participation on the global platform. Sharing platforms together is a complex issue because it not only requires the consideration of practical, business aspects, but also geopolitical aspects. However, misunderstandings sometimes arise when it comes to geopolitics. 

The only way I know of solving those things is through the continual frequency of discussions, not only at the highest level but also at the operational level of governments.

GT: In your opinion, what is the biggest misunderstanding that some Americans have about China?

 I think one of the common misunderstandings about China is that China is sometimes portrayed as an aggressive country. I've never felt nor seen that.

When I think of China being aggressive, I don't mean it from any other perspective other than being very aggressive in business. However, all countries are very aggressive in business. We all compete with each other, and with our companies and brands, to gain market share wherever it may be, whether it's a German, French, Italian, or American company. We are always competing aggressively.

But when it comes to aggressively expanding outside of China, I think there is a misconception that China will aggressively go after other regions of the world. I don't think that is the case. In my personal experience, China has adhered more to Confucian thinking of a benevolent society and not seeking to expand its footprint outside of China. If you look at Chinese history over the last 5,000 years, it is not even a part of it. 

Besides, China is known for being extremely friendly, particularly toward foreigners who come to visit. This aligns with the Confucian thinking that says when people come from afar, you should welcome them and be happy. China has consistently upheld this philosophy of welcoming foreigners, and I think that's still the case.

My motto is world trade creates world peace. World peace and world trade go hand in hand because when people work together, they are less likely to engage in conflict. I wish I could take everyone from the US to China so that they could see China. And I wish I could take everyone from China to the US because, at the people-to-people level, the people of both countries are very nice and good people.

The one higher purpose of the relationship we should never undervalue is a strong China and a strong US working together. This collaboration not only creates prosperity in both countries but also fosters prosperity in the world and promotes world peace.

GT: There is a growing voice in the US, calling for the so-called de-coupling or de-risking from China, especially in the high-tech arena. What's your take on it?

 I think that everything in high tech is not a matter of national security. You have to know where the line is. This is what I mean by engagement and talk. Every chip that is manufactured is not a high security or high national security chip as we use chips in various everyday appliances such as washing machines and cars. Almost every modern appliance, including basic ones, incorporates chips. Hence, as I mentioned before, engaging in dialogue and ensuring a clear understanding of the boundaries between our countries is extremely important.

We need to understand each other's sensitivities and have open discussions while maintaining mutual respect. We may not always agree on everything, but we should at least try to understand the reasons behind our disagreements. This way, we can find solutions to have a path forward.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some companies have identified certain flaws in their product delivery to customers. As a result, companies, particularly in the US, have a responsibility to ensure efficient product delivery. Therefore, they have relocated parts of their supply chain. But I am yet to hear of any big-scale companies that have left the Chinese market. They continue to operate in China. They have partly moved some production, maybe to Vietnam or other parts of the world, and maybe a little bit to India, to enhance the resilience of the supply chain.

But China still remains the main anchor because there is one very important characteristic about China that should never be misunderstood: China is not only a world factory but also a world market. This is due to the emergence of the middle class in China during my lifetime, which is driving consumption. 

GT: The Chinese government recently announced a raft of measures to attract foreign investment. What are your opinions on these measures? What is your advice for China in terms of attracting foreign investment? 

 China has simplified the process of doing business. I have witnessed numerous improvements over the years. However, one aspect that China needs to address is effectively promoting and informing the world about its policies, so that other countries can understand the benefits. 

Success is the key to promoting more foreign direct investment (FDI), as people are more likely to be motivated when they hear about the positive outcomes resulting from specific policies. Real-life examples are the key to further strengthening FDI and making it even more robust than it currently is.

I think that there are areas that can be improved to make the business climate more conducive for investment. However, this is a process that takes time. Changes need to be made based on the current world and market conditions. I consider it an evolutionary process. 

In the early days, any form of development was acceptable as China aimed to attract foreign investment and build its own economy and infrastructure. The infrastructure development and the largest migration in human history in China have been a miracle. 

One of the great things that China has done, which is positive, is taking people out of absolute poverty. It has been amazing to witness nearly 800 million people coming out of absolute poverty, which is a great achievement. However, that is not the end goal. I always emphasize that getting out of absolute poverty is just the first step. The goal now is to improve people's lives and achieve common prosperity. I think China is working hard toward that. 

As China has risen up to this level, you have to give credit to the Chinese entrepreneurs, the Chinese ability to take a policy, and the ability to make it work step by step.

GT: You played a positive role in China's return to the global market in the late 1970s. You have also witnessed significant changes in the Chinese business market over past decades. In your opinion, what are the current advantages that China has to offer to foreign companies and investors?

 I think the most obvious change is what I mentioned earlier: China has transitioned from being just a world factory to becoming a world market. It now has a significant consumer population. Therefore, companies that have products and services can also sell them in China. This can be referred to as hitting a home run. The concept of a home run implies that if you can manufacture a product in China, you have a competitive advantage in the global market. This advantage stems from the fact that the best product, offering the best price and quality, ultimately emerges as the winner, not only in China but also worldwide.

Now, wherever it is, China has consistently produced the best products with the highest quality and at the most competitive prices, making them the ultimate winner in many categories. Take Apple, for example, with their iPhones and MacBooks manufactured in Dongguan by Foxconn. These products are then distributed worldwide, contributing to Apple's status as the number one company in terms of market capitalization. China has undoubtedly played a significant role in this achievement.

I think companies should consider the Chinese market as an opportunity to manufacture goods here. This does not necessarily mean shutting down high-level or advanced production in the US, but rather having some production in China to capitalize on the growing Chinese market. 

I believe there is plenty more room to grow in China. There are still hundreds of millions of people who have yet to move from their current position to the middle class. So, I think there is ample opportunity, what we call runway, in China. However, it is important to have knowledge about the market; where to enter and who to partner with. I like the philosophy of working in China with partners. I like Chinese partners, as they know their market and economy. It is always good to share in the economic equation. When both the China and US work together, both sides win and can achieve mutual success. If we are economically tied together, I believe it is a very powerful formula moving forward.

China witnessed the establishment of more than 48,000 new foreign enterprises from January to November 2023, which serves as one of the parameters indicating confidence in the Chinese market.

US government shutdown risk not defused yet, raising global concerns over its debt levels: experts

US Congress has reportedly reached a deal on how much the US government will spend in 2024 in a significant move toward avoiding a shutdown, but it doesn't necessarily defuse the threat altogether, Chinese observers said.

The US government shutdown risk reflects Washington's "declining fiscal management and governance ability," which may negatively impact US economy and the financial market, they said
The deal would establish an overall spending level of $1.59 trillion in fiscal 2024, US media outlet NBC News reported on Monday, noting that the threat of a potential US government shutdown isn't completely ruled out yet, as Congress still needs to allocate the money, write the bills and approve them.

During the last five decades, there have been 21 US federal government shutdowns. A government shutdown would lead to the suspension of nonessential federal functions and result in millions of federal employees not receiving pay.

The repeated US federal government shutdowns and lingering threats reflect that the US government's relatively weak governance and fiscal management ability, although for many times, the US government is able to solve crises at the last minute, Huo Jianguo, vice chairman of the China Society for World Trade Organization Studies, told the Global Times on Monday.

The continuous increase in US government debt will produce negative effect on the US economy in the long run, as Washington needs to pay more interest on its huge debt, Dong Yun, director of the Research Center for International Political Economics of the National Institution for Finance and Development, told the Global Times on Monday.

"The US' fiscal sustainability will continue to weaken, which may increase US financial sector instability and spill over to impact global markets," Dong said.
Dong said it's a general trend that many countries are diversifying their foreign assets and increasing holdings of gold, but only by promoting reforms to the international monetary system and boosting the development of emerging market economies can there be "more choices for a country's holdings of foreign assets."

Aside from shocks to the US itself, repeated government shutdowns will impact the US' influence in global affairs and accelerate the decline of US dollar hegemony in the world, Huo said.

Huo said that the continuous issuance of US Treasuries will make it difficult for the US government to repay its debts, which will reduce the reliability and credibility of US dollar-denominated assets.

The US' aggressive interest rate hikes to tame inflation has brought spillover effects to other countries, especially developing countries, making many economies rush to diversify payment using local currencies and increasing holdings of gold in 2023.

China's gold reserves reached 71.87 million ounces at the end of December, marking the 14th consecutive month of increase, latest data from the People's Bank of China showed.

Quarter of world's freshwater fish face extinction - study

The alarming conclusion has been drawn from the first-ever IUCN red list assessment of freshwater species, which identifies global heating, pollution, overfishing, and falling water levels as major threats to vital aquatic populations.

A comprehensive study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) highlights the precarious state of freshwater fish globally, with iconic species such as the Lake Turkana robber and the Mekong giant catfish facing the imminent risk of disappearing.

Of the 14,898 assessed species, a staggering 3,086 are now in danger of vanishing, with nearly one-fifth of all threatened freshwater species directly impacted by climate change-induced factors such as falling water levels and shifting seasons.

The assessment also sheds light on the escalating threats to other species, including mahogany, Atlantic salmon, and green turtles. Big leaf mahogany, a highly sought-after plant commercially, is now classified as endangered due to a 60% decline in numbers over the past 180 years.

Atlantic salmon, once abundant and considered of least concern, is now near threatened, with a 23% global population decline and disappearance from many UK rivers.

Amidst these alarming findings, the report also brings attention to positive conservation efforts. The saiga antelope, moving from critically endangered to near threatened, experienced a remarkable 1,100% population increase in just seven years in Kazakhstan. Similarly, the scimitar-horned oryx, once extinct in Chad due to overhunting, has seen successful reintroduction efforts, leading to a vulnerable classification.

IUCN President Razan Al Mubarak has emphasized the need for coordinated global conservation efforts in the face of the interconnected climate and biodiversity crises.

The report underscored the importance of addressing these issues to ensure the durability of conservation actions.

The assessment also highlights the vulnerability of central south Pacific and east Pacific green turtles, major victims of industrial and artisanal fishing, with rising global temperatures affecting their hatching success and sea temperature fluctuations endangering their nesting sites.

Permanent population of Beijing declines for a 6th consecutive year: BAI

Since 2017, the permanent population of Beijing has been declining for six consecutive years, and the distribution of the population shows a pattern of multiple support points and gradient distribution, while the health and cultural quality of the population ranking among the top in the country, according to the Beijing Administration Institute (BAI) on Saturday.

On Saturday, the "Beijing Population Blue Book: Research Report on Beijing Population Development (2023)" was released by the BAI, analyzing and forecasting Beijing's population trends. It focuses on the population development of Beijing from various perspectives such as preschool education, youth population, childbearing age population, elderly population and the population living in the capital's metropolitan area, in addition to conducting in-depth research on coping with an ageing population.

The permanent population of the capital city was 21.843 million in 2022, with a registered population of 14.277 million, maintaining a steady decline in the size of the permanent population and a continued growth in the registered population.

In addition, in 2022, the birth rate for the city's permanent population continued to decline, and the natural growth rate of the permanent population revealed a negative value synchronized with the national level. In terms of population structure, the aging of the population has become more pronounced, while the proportion of the working-age population is still higher than the national average.

In 2022, the city's permanent population aged 60 and above was 4.651 million, accounting for 21.3 percent of the total population, which is 1.5 percentage points higher than the national average. The size of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 has been continuously declining from 2015, reaching 15.902 million in 2022, accounting for 72.8 percent of the total population, also higher than the national average.

In terms of population distribution, the report noted that the regional distribution of the population in the city has remained stable, showing a pattern of multiple support points and gradient distribution. Both the population size and proportion in downtown areas have declined, while the population size and proportion in the urban sub-center and the plain new city have increased. The number of residents living in the city's designated ecological conservation area has fluctuated, and the pattern of population distribution with multiple support points continues to form, which has helped Beijing achieve balanced development in multiple areas.

The report also points out that the health level and cultural quality of the population in this city are among the best in the country. In 2021, the average life expectancy of registered residents stood at 82.47 years, higher than the national average. In 2020, the average years of education for the permanent population aged 15 and above was 12.64 years, far exceeding the national average. In 2022, there were 56,181 people with a college degree or above per 100,000 permanent residents aged 15 and above in Beijing.

The stable size of high-quality labor force has laid a solid foundation for Beijing to build an international science and technology innovation center and high-level talent hub, and promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain, it noted.

It also added that the city is still in an opportunity window for economic transformation and upgrading, which will not close in the short term. The document recommended greater focus on achieving a balanced population structure, leveraging the dividends of reform and talent, and releasing the dividends of population. In addition, the report also suggests that the city should make good use of the opportunities brought by the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and enhance the vitality of Beijing's population development in building an integrated high-quality development demonstration zone.

China’s top divers qualify for Paris Olympics at national championship

China’s elite diving athletes Wang Zongyuan and Chen Yuxi have secured spots for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games after winning gold at the national diving championship on Wednesday in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province.

Over 200 divers are competing at the annual event that will last till Tuesday. An analyst told the Global Times on Thursday that the championship, which serves as one of the three-leg qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games, will help the national team to find some new diamonds in the rough.

China’s new diving talisman, 20-year-old Wang, ranked first in each of the six rounds in the final to triumph during the 3-meter springboard while two-time Olympic medalist Chen edged out Olympic champion Quan Hongchan to win gold during the 10-meter platform.

According to the point-based qualification for the Paris Olympic Games diving events announced by the Chinese Swimming Association, there are three legs of qualifiers, namely the national diving tournament in March, the ongoing national diving championship and the World Aquatics Championships to be held in Doha, Qatar in February 2024. 

The two best rankings out of the three legs of a diver are translated into points. The top four athletes with the most points in a single event will be selected into the Olympic roster.

Wang and Chen, who also won gold at the national tournament in March, have thus secured their berths for the Olympic Games.

“The victory shows that my training and hard work have paid off. I take every competition seriously, and hopefully I can do my best in every competition. However, I was not at my best during the preliminaries and made some mistakes,” said Chen, who lost to Quan in October’s Hangzhou Asian Games. 

“While the top divers are vying for spots for the Olympics, the national event also provides an opportunity for younger talents to make their mark. Jiang Linjing is a big surprise in the highly competitive 10-meter platform,” Liu Yu, a Beijing-based sports commentator, told the Global Times on Thursday.

Jiang Linjing, a 13-year-old diver from South China’s Guangdong Province, managed to finish third behind Olympic champions Chen and Quan.  

“They [Chen and Quan] are my idols. They were consistent in their dives and rarely make mistakes. I’m doing okay in training, but I tend to get nervous in big events,” said Jiang, who tried the 307C dive, one of the most difficult dives, for the first time in the competition. 

Eyes will be focused on the men’s 10-meter platform final on Saturday as this is the only event in which China failed to win gold at July’s World Aquatics Championship in Fukuoka, Japan. 

China swept 11 out of 12 golds on offer at the world championship and Australia’s Cassiel Rousseau upset China’s Lian Junjie and Yang Hao in a roller-coaster 10-meter platform final. 

Women’s 3-meter springboard will also take place on Saturday. 

In order to inspire athletes to innovate and take on challenging dives, the event has introduced special awards recognizing both the difficulty and groundbreaking achievements.

Bane and boon of fandom culture

With the rise of social media networks and involvement of capital, fandom culture as a niche subculture has attracted more and more attention from the mainstream. 

From an external perspective, the rapid advancement of technology and social media platforms have served as prerequisites, while investment from the capital market has fueled its development. As to the internal factors, the formation of fan communities meets people's psychological needs. For one thing, in today's fast-paced modern society, some young people have made online platforms their first choice to ease loneliness and express their feelings, while fan clubs allow people to show off their personality, achieve self-satisfaction and gain a sense of community and belonging. 

Debate about fandom culture tends to focus on its potential dangers. 

To begin with, the distortion of values caused by group polarization, especially for younger generations, leads to shocking incidents like pouring out drink bottles just to obtain a QR code inside the bottle cap to support an idol. Besides wasting resources and over-consumption, craze-driven irrational behavior such as stalking, doxing, fighting, and invading people's privacy have endangered public safety. 

More seriously, the uneven occupation of online resources by celebrity topics or entertainment events triggered by a large amount of fan participation and capital manipulation takes atte  ntion away from significant issues that involve public life. Under such circumstances, our culture, sports, education, and businesses would likely be reduced to entertainment accessories, and the final result might lead to actually "amusing" ourselves to death. 

However, as some observers fret about these dystopian scenarios, others focus on the potential rewards.

First, personalized consumption in fandom culture boosts the economy. In August, a popular Chinese idol group fueled a ticket-buying binge in which the first batch of over 33,000 tickets were snapped up in a few seconds. Revenue on ticket and live-streaming platforms reached more than 100 million yuan ($13.6 million) and drove local tourism revenue up to 416 million yuan. With social media, forces converge quickly, and fans can do great things for their idols. Their desire for expression, interactivity, and participation leads to a long tail effect in the vast fan market, which contains enormous consumption potential and benefits upstream and downstream industry development. 

Secondly, fandom culture alleviates the crisis of contemporary social identity and soothes our souls. As a social subculture system, fandom culture is based on seeking social interaction and identity recognition. Fans build emotional trust, form a community with common ideals, and find a new identity and a sense of belonging through communication and interaction with group members in an increasingly atomized society. For fans who have gone through their youth accompanied by some idols, nostalgia reveals their inner desire for a familiar, safe, and stable environment that serves as a spiritual sanctuary and utopia for rosy memories, helping them confront the fragmentation of the modern world and the discomfort of the rapid changes under globalization.

Fandom culture also empowers society. An idol who constantly contributes positive energy is an essential source of cohesion in society. Fans' heartfelt wishes to become better people alongside their idols have led them to ask idols to behave with higher standards and set good examples. 

For instance, some celebrities encourage fans to develop good reading habits, promote Chinese traditional culture, which is increasingly favored by young people, and participate in activities such as environmental protection and poverty alleviation. Several public benefit activities have benefited from the tremendous force and passion of fan communities, which are mainly composed of the Post-1990 and Post-2000 generations, who possess a higher level of education and more self-discipline. 

A fan may be a company staff, a professional photographer, or an illustrator and designer. They all have proficiency in a particular line. Thus, their efforts not only bring more energy and sunshine to society but also enrich the cultural ecology.  

So, fan culture is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, based on similar interests or shared memory, it allows fans to build social networks to find a new identity, accumulate real or virtual resources both online and offline, and form informal organizations. On the other hand, it also causes the group to get stuck in information cocoons and possibly tend to behave irrationally due to the existence of the "echo chamber effect." Fans are easily reduced to digital laborers and "one-dimensional people." 

Fan culture, driven by technology and capital, alters what we think and how we behave without us realizing it, making a difference in the overall cyberculture and even society as a whole. Whether it is a bane or boon depends on how we lead and guide. 

Accordingly, we should, above all, realize the pros and cons brought about by the development of fan culture and strengthen top-level design to shape a comprehensive paradigm featuring multi-party collaboration, namely government, platform, and fan groups, which will promote economic development, generate positive energy and minimize adverse effects.